• 700 CALORIES PER SERVING – help add the quality mass to your frame that you’ve been looking for post-workout or even between meals
  • 2:1 RATIO OF CARBS & PROTEIN – provide your body a quality mix of carbs and protein the support your mass gaining goals
  • 46G-50G PROTEIN FROM ULTRA-PREMIUM PROTEIN SOURCES –whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, milk protein isolate, whey protein isolate, micellar casein, hydrolyzed whey protein, and egg whites
  • MCT FATS – round out the nutritional value of each shake and complement the legendary great date from BSN
  • 10G NATURALLY OCCURRING BCAAs PER SERVING – supports your recovery efforts from intense bouts of exercise

I started using this product 6 days ago. My starting weight was 125.4 lbs. I am now at 128.6 lbs so I have gained 3.2 lbs in only 6 days. I am doing a shake in the morning and one at night before bed. 1 scoop per shake. I add half a banana, 2 scoops ice cream, 1.5 table spoons peanut butter, and 1 cup whole milk. This brings each shake to about 1017 calories (2034 total). I am also eating a regular lunch and dinner. MY daily calorie intake is a minimum of 2550 but usually over 3k. My target weight is 140 lbs. Gain 1 lbs per week. The vanilla tastes good, it's not chalky, and digests easily. No bowel movement changes or issues. I recommend using a blender for the best results. I personally use a magic bullet blender. For my size and metabolism it's been difficult to intake enough calories to gain weight. These shakes make it super easy.

Dang this is good!! The strawberry is great!! Been using this for about 3 weeks and already noticed a difference. Gained about 4 pounds. I am def a hardgainer. The shake is very easy on the stomach, no bloating at all. One morning, one lunch and if can manage to squeeze one in before bedtime, I do. Def will continue to use BSN true mass. Ordered two more tubs and I know for sure I will continue. Got this bad boy on subscription at just over $31 a tub. Def cheaper that stores. Mixes just fine, very smooth. I add creatine to mine and down it goes. If your a hardgainer like me, I would def recommend this product. I know we are all different, but this works for me. No gas either super plus for me.

don't listen to the people who say its chunky or anything like that . its all about how you mix it . if you're having problems with that kinda stuff all you have to do is go on amazon and buy a cheap $20 blender . buy frozen fruit at your local store , peanut butter, oatmeal ( dry not cooked ) right out of the box . and just add milk . good to go . simple fix for good results

This is my favorite meal replacement powder. I use this one and the 1200 calorie version daily, due to my inability to chew following radiation treatment. I like the chocolate and strawberry flavors the best.

I love the true mass Vanilla ice cream! I usually hate the chalky tastes of protein shakes but this was pretty good. I used coconut milk for my drink mix. And this is what a 5lb looks like.

I use this product mainly because due to stress I have lost a lot of weight, and find it difficult to eat. It helps me to maintain my weight and not lose any further. The taste is great, I add a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream and it’s a treat

Truly, massively, fantastic stuff! Seriously, I have tried half a dozen of these mass builders and weight gainers. They always taste like metallic and heavy, like you blended dog food and pennies together. This Chocolate Milkshake flavor of True-Mass is the best tasting supplement powder period. Not just the best tasting gainer, but better than any other protein or meal replacement of any brand. It tastes and feels like drinking a slightly melted chocolate shake from McDonald's. You won't be disappointed folks.

I would definitely recommend the chocolate milkshake flavor. Since I've started drinking this I haven't went to any other mass gainer. I've tried a few others before this one and though it's not all about the taste it certainly helps if it isn't just plain out disgusting. Idk whether you would call this a full meal replacement, though it has more macro-nutrients than most people eat in half of a day in "One Serving". Great way to squeeze in some extra macros for your daily intake. Especially if looking for a high carb blend like 1200 offers. I've got like a 22oz bottle i mix mine in and it is pretty grainy at the bottom but if it's too much for you to drink like that just add more water until you finish it. Doesn't take away from the product IMO, I mean you're mixing two dry cups of powder in a normal size shaker cup, what do you expect?. GREAT PRODUCT, HAVE RECOMMENDED THIS TO SEVERAL FRIENDS.

I never write reviews but this definitely deserves one. I’ve been working out for a while and its always so hard to find the right protein or mass gainer or whatever supplement ur looking for that has the right balance of protein, calories, servings, whey etc. and on top of all of that it’s even harder to find one that tastes good. This is hands down the best tasting mass gainer on the market that I have personally tried. I ordered the chocolate milkshake. It has no bad after taste. It tastes just like chocolate milk. I haven’t tried any other flavors so I can’t speak for them. But if ur looking for a good tasting mass gainer that offers great results I HIGHLY recommend this one. And the whey protein in this also allows it to act as a post workout recovery.

I’m a gym rat but I take ADD meds which make it hard to eat a lot during the day when I’m working so it always felt impossible to put on any mass. Syntha6 wasn’t cutting it but I was complacent and just kept buying it month after month. It finally hit me that I needed something loaded with calories so I went for the True Mass 1200 and it’s been a huge difference. I put on about 5lbs of muscle in 2 weeks and people noticed immediately. I drink a half serving after my morning workout with breakfast and another half usually late afternoon. It’s been great because I don’t feel like I need to cram extra calories in before bed anymore.