• Hola! Music HM-21RD Soprano Ukulele Bundle with Canvas Tote Bag, Strap and Picks, Color Series - Red
  • Top, Back and sides constructed of maple and painted in a variety of beautiful colors. Fingerboard and Bridge constructed of Rosewood.
  • Equipped with white nylon strings and silver geared tuners, 12 silver nickel frets with fret position marks at 5th, 7th and 10th frets on top of fingerboard.
  • Crafted to allow you to create warm, pitch-perfect Hawaiian harmonies, this ukulele is the best gift you can buy for yourself or your loved one!
  • Don't miss!! Full description, images and specifications down the page. Hola! Music guarantees quality and affordability. Hola! - Say Hello to Music!

At 31 years old I had never played an instrument. Then along came Steven Universe and some darn catchy ukulele songs and I thought, "Hey, that looks fun, and the ukulele seems like a really friendly instrument. Let's do this!" 8 months later, I've played my teal Hola! almost every day since purchase and it sounds great. It holds tuning well, it has a bright happy sound, and it never fails to cheer me up. I'll play some days for an hour or two at a time, learning new songs or chords. It's a lovely ukulele for a beginner and so far has been very durable, even for my rather boisterous strumming style. I've flown with it a few times stowed under my seat in a light case and it's done great; not a dent or a chip anywhere and no issues with the strings it came with. It's been a delightful addition into my life and while I might upgrade to a more high-end or concert ukulele in the future, for now I will continue to rock out on my soprano Hola!. (See my drawing of myself and my uke below.)

I just received my Ukulele and I'm so happy! It arrived 2 days sooner than expected and since this was a crazy little gift to myself, I was super happy to get it early! The product is as promised and I think it's perfect for the price. That's not a negative thing, just for a musical instrument, I think it's a good value. I got a Ukulele to just have fun, a weird, offbeat and crazy thing to do. i have no idea how to play it and am a very busy business woman, so I didn't want to sink a ton of money into a fancy piece. Understand this is a plastic (?) ukulele and I believe nylon strings. It makes it seem a little more like a younger kid ukulele, but after tuning it and using it a bit, I don't feel that way - all my friends think it's awesome (they haven't heard me play yet!). It was very easy to tune via a video on YouTube and now I feel much better because it actually is sounding like music :-) If you're interested in getting in on the Ukulele fun, I think this is a perfect piece to start with!

I bought this ukulele in purple on a whim for my mom for mother's day (purple is her favorite color) It's really made very nicely for the price point and it sounds great, too. The color and lacquer finish are beautiful. I found some YouTube videos and apps on how to tune and play it, and it's pretty simple. The strings need a few days of playing before they hold their tune, so don't be surprised if you're constantly tuning it for the first week or so. I decided to learn a song to perform when giving the ukulele to my mom, but I had so much fun playing it that I went back on Amazon and ordered another one...for me! I got the teal colored one and it's really pretty, too! Everyone who comes over can't help but pick it up and strum a bit. It's a really fun and accessable instrument that seems to make people relax and smile. The neck strap, case and picks make it a really nice gift. Definitely unique, but more useful than you would think!

Ok so Im giving it 5 stars, and this is on the bell curve of cheap ukes. I teach ukulele and have purchased a number of $30-$40 ukuleles. I teach a L{earn} Ukulele class where students earn points for practice and can earn a ukulele when they reach 100... Two of my students requested specific colors, I ordered these based on reviews, and let me say sonically they are far superior to any other ukulele in this price range. and they are pretty tough. Very happy.

I'm a sixteen year-old guy who normally plays guitar, but I wanted to try out ukulele too as kind of an add-on instrument. I got this as a Christmas gift from my parents last month. It's my first uke, so I wanted one on the cheaper side...but the instrument itself doesn't sound cheap at all! STRINGS: As other reviewers stated, the nylon strings do not come already tuned (tip: from bottom to top it's tuned GCEA). The strings wouldn't stay in tune for the first couple of days (which is expected because they need time to stretch and be "broken in"), but after re-tuning a couple times- they now stay almost perfectly in tune for long periods of time. Also an interesting thing is: I'm a lefty, but I had a friend take all the strings off and simply reattach them the opposite way and it works for left handed players! (warning: chords are different for right-handed players and left-handed players, so find left-handed ukulele chords online) UKULELE: The uke itself looks great and has no errors in its finish or in its build as far as I can see, and it sounds clean and crisp. It's also amazingly light in weight and easy to carry and hold. Other reviewers normally purchase the instrument for younger kids (5-13 years old), but a teenager or a grown adult can play the instrument too. And it's honestly pretty easy to play, especially if you already have some sort of experience with (in my case, a guitar) another string instrument. ACCESSORIES: Along with the instrument itself comes a black bag to carry it in. There's nothing special about the bag, but it makes carrying the uke around easier, and keeps the dust off of it. Three picks (red, green, and purple) of different widths come in a tiny bag as well. An Aztec themed strap comes with it, but I personally I don't like using it because of how it functions. I had difficulty figuring out how the strap worked at first, so I'll add my experience in the review: you clip the little black clamp on the end of the strap and attach it around the waist of the uke and to the soundhole and then put the loop around your neck. It feels weird and unnatural to me and doesn't support the instrument well (unlike a guitar strap) so I just don't use it. Overall I give the little uke five stars and would definitely buy again. Some examples of great musicians who use the ukulele are Tyler Joseph, Grace Vanderwaal, and Cavetown. Personally I love the instrument, and I'm a happy customer :)

Hola is fantastic! I wanted to begin learning music, and decided on the Ukulele. Looking at the reviews on Amazon, I decided on this item. I had been practicing for several months (off and on) and thought I was doing something wrong as I couldn't quite get some of the chords right. They were 'buzzing'. After consulting with a couple people, I discovered there was a slight bend in the frets (barely noticeable, mind you). I contacted Hola asking if there was a way to fix it, not really expecting anything to happen (its just a beginner Ukulele after all). I was very surprised when Hola gave me a full replacement! I no longer have issues playing the chords (other than I'm still learning), but it sounds fantastic! In summation, I would like to than Hola for excellent customer service, and for making a very fine Ukulele! I hope your business grows and you can assure that I will be endorsing you for anyone looking for a Ukulele! I will definitely look at you guys first if I consider getting a classical Uke (I'm a big guy and could use the space).

I bought one of these ukulele's for a student demo - I have been trying several different brands, Rogue, Kala, and more. With metal frets and geared tuners, this is a very good value for a student ukulele. I was surprised how well it played too right out of the box. Painted ukuleles may be generally seen as inferior in quality, but this instrument would change your mind. Some of the student uke's I've bought have a smaller neck which can be a problem. Students generally keep their left hand at the end of the neck where it meets the head. This is something you don't realize when you are first learning, but your left hand can get crowded at the end of the neck if the head is cut to large. Especially if you have larger hands or longer fingers. And it came with an excellent set of strings too. I've had to replace the strings on all the other student ukes I've bought which can add $5-10 to the cost of the ukulele. I don't expect it to last forever but its a great uke to start on. And, for what I paid, I wouldn't be afraid to strip the paint off, put stickers on it or otherwise allow a student to "customize" it! I plan to record a couple songs on my orange creme Hola ukulele - you can go to Facebook and search UKE3.org if you'd like to see how it plays. Have a great day!

Our daughter has been using one of the school loaners for the ukulele club. Once we saw she was serious about her musical interest we decided to purchase an instrument for her as a Christmas gift. Her music teacher recommended Hola! ukuleles for their affordability and quality. I was delighted by all the color choices (the light blue was a hit with my daughter) and that this one came with a nice case, strap, and picks. I was very impressed that Adam, the owner of Hola! Music, did personal follow-ups on our satisfaction and provided excellent customer service by offering unasked for advice on how to tune nylon string instruments. His trick worked like a charm. I will keep this company in mind for future purchases and recommend them to friends and family.

This is excellent quality for the price. I have never played the ukulele before but I play several instruments and decided to give this a go. This is perfect for a beginner and it feels and plays like it will last a while. It falls out of tune the first few days of tuning but will hold after a few days of regularly tuning them- this is normal for stringed instruments. If you are expecting a professional instrument this may not meet your expectations but if you are trying to figure out if you want to play ukulele before investing a lot of money this is perfect. And the quality is still very good compared to plastic-y crappy instruments. This is very light weight and sounds good and loud enough to entertain your buddies at a party. I have no complaints about the sound. However I must say I expected the color to be more purple- mine is so dark you would think it brown until really really holding it up to the light. But it is a lovely little instrument regardless. I highly recommend this for beginner or just casual instrumentalist. There are so many free videos out there to help you learn as well. Good luck to all!

I am a music teacher with experience in winds and keys. Although I have strong musical knowledge and a good ear, my little fingers have never learned string instruments. This was my first ukulele. I've owned this "Hola!" for about four months now and I have loved it. It took about a week of constant tuning to get it to stay tuned, which is to be expected from ANY new instrument due to the movement of shipping and the change in barometric pressure between regions. After a week or two, it held it's tune quite nicely and now requires only minor tweaking every few days. Even with a trained musical ear, I have been pleasantly surprised with how nice this little guy sounds and how easy it has been to play and learn. I'm sure after a few more months I will want to upgrade to something more professional, but this has worked out quite will for me as a beginner instrument. I've been very pleased.