• Altoids Arctic Mints come in an easy-to-pack, stand-up tin
  • Freshen up with a curiously cool wintergreen flavor
  • Sugarfree gives you all of the mint with none of the sugar
  • These curiously cool mints always have your back
  • Package includes 8 individual packs, 12 ounces each

These arctic mints are different than the original Altoids peppermints. They are still breath freshening and leave your mouth feeling better than it previously was. Although they still are "curiously cool mints", they won't heat up like the originals... and burn the heck out of the inside of your mouth. These freshen way better than wintergreen lifesavers.

I've been an Altoid fan for years, but usually had to half a mint to be able to endure it, as they really are 'curiously strong"; then I saw these. They have changed my....mint habit! They have such a pleasant and fresh taste, without that burning sensation that I got with the originals. They give me a confidence to face people, knowing that I won't kill someone with my dragon-butt breath. I am NEVER without these little jewels! I have them in my purse, in my cars, at my desk; and I have them on my Amazon Subscruption service so I'll NEVER run out!!

I'm completely addicted to these and my grocery store failed to keep them in stock... enter Amazon Subscribe & Save! I now have a monthly ration of them, far cheaper than what I was paying at the checkout line, and they magically arrive every month! HURRAY! The tins are a great size for q-tips, matches, coins... all those extra buttons that come with clothing... I also feel like these tins stay closed better than any of the other Altoids tins! :) They're not as intense as regular Altoids but they are delightful!

How can you go wrong with Altoids and even better Altoids Arctic Wintergreen! So, you have probably tried the original mints in the little red tin and found then to be curiously strong (as they say) and then maybe you migrated to the cinnamon smalls. Well, I have stumbled on these wintergreen mints and they are excellent. The originals are plenty strong in flavor and these are not as intense which is probably the better way to word it. The packaging comes in a rectangular tin. The end of the tin flips up and you have plenty in the container. I am going to keep the containers for now cause they are kinda kewl and I hope to figure out what to do with them.

Typically when I think of Altoids, I think of chalky mouth death. I am, however, the grocery store check-out aisle's favorite type of customer. I saw these mints one day and simply had to buy them, since wintergreen is a rarity in the check-out aisle shelves. These mints are DELICIOUS! Altoids finally got it right. The mints are not chalky. The flavor is just right. These mints took first place in my mint-ranking heart before I had even finished the first mint. Based on my previous statements, you can trust that I have tried a great many mints. Also, please note that I am now reviewing these mints when sold IN BULK. Altoids: 1, Self-will: 0, Mouth: satisfied.

We like these mints because they are not as overpowering as others, so a kid can suck on them, but these would not be recommended for very little kids who might choke on them if they weren't old enough to know that it's not candy for swallowing. My daughter's 7. She likes these after we have a meal. It's really handy to have a big box of these so I can carry one tin, have another in my car, at my desk, on the coffee table, on the nightstand....

My son is 17 years old ..I have to hunt these in the store for him. Was super happy to get a big bunch at a good price. Soon I will sending them to collage to him

Now there's no reason for you to walk around all day with bad breath. I favor the: Wintergreen Arctic Curiously Cool Mints. Buy in bulk here, should last you a long time. Have a great day.

Love these convenient tin containers they come in complete with closing lids. Excellent flavor that lasts a good amount of time after the mint is dissolved.