• 8 1/2" x 11" book for lesson plans and grades
  • Combines 8WPL and R9310:
  • 8WPL-Wide Lesson Plan book with unique 7-1/2" fold out extension for 8 teaching periods per day
  • R9310-Wide Record Book for up to 10 Weeks
  • with enough lines for 50 students on each page, with extra-large grade recording squares

Love this grade book. I bought this on as a gift for a fellow teacher, because it’s one stop shopping. The balance of planning, a pocket folder and plenty of grade book space makes it worth the money. I have tried other systems of keeping up with grades and attendance over the years, but I keep coming back to the grade book. It’s keeps all your records handy which is great for parent/ teacher conferences. Also, it’s a quick reference when students have questions about attendance or grades, especially if the network is down. I would recommend this gradebook if you need a planner and record keeping capability.

Whoever designed this put a lot of thought into the practical features. I really love this plan book. I teach 2nd grade and I find that with other plan books, the squares are either too small or there are not enough to fit in all there is to do in a day. I love that it folds out to reveal more boxes than the standard plan book. For example, I had enough squares to write what I was doing for math whole group and a separate box to write what I was doing for small group. I had enough boxes to do this for Language Arts as well. Usually, I have to cram everything I have to do in one subject in one little box and end up abbreviating everything. I love that the fold-out part folds in to display sections that help you organize materials needed, appointments/conferences, and special events on a weekly basis. Other planners have a similar feature that you fill in so you can see your appointments for the month at a glance. For whatever reason, I'd fill it in and not refer to it, maybe because it was not attached to the current week like this one is. I have used it this week as we have already started school and I felt more organized than I ever have in my 13 years of teaching, especially when it came time to inventory all the materials needed for the day's lessons (if you teach primary, you know how many manipulatives you need just to teach one math lesson!) At first I was bummed because the plan book I really wanted, the brand I used last year, was sold out on another site (the one all the teachers have that is colorful with cool designs, inspirational quotes each month, stickers and stuff). I stumbled upon this one and tried it solely because of the fold-out feature. I was just going to use this one this year and buy the other one I really wanted next year early before it sold out...but the more I use this, the less I miss the other one. I don't think I'm going back to the other one. I guess I am just a practical girl at heart. The only thing I probably won't use as intended is the grade book section in the back. I think it is useful for a teacher who has different classes for one subject (like a junior high or high school teacher), but I won't let it go to waste so I will just use the extra pages I won't get to for the endless lists I make. Not a deal breaker by any means, though.

I am using this for 2 of my homeschooled kids (equivalent of 7 blocks). We use BJU dvd program and I use this planner to write what I need for lessons and reminders of what to check. (Scroll to bottom for specifics on what this has- Homeschool info in the next paragraphs) I am not required to keep grades for this curriculum but do because my kids want a measurement of their progress for rewards. Excuse my sloppy writing- I am prepping for surgery and rushing plans for the babies. I included photos of each type of page available so if you homeschool, public or private school you have an idea of what to expect. The wide planning pages are amazing! In some subjects I have many notes and this holds it all. There is also a year calendar event overview, seating charts, and areas for grading. For my kids I did supplement one of the formats available for grading. I needed a segment to record each child/per subject so this differs from what most would use this for. It still works and keeps me organized. Without this I wouldn't be as prepared to continue schooling whilst transitioning during a move and a surgery. We have 4 kids but only 2 who are HSed- I feel like if you had more kids homeschooled you would need another book like this so you could write out each subject per kid. With BJU my 3rd grader takes really 5 subjects now but it will be 7 total when we receive the dvd portion of lessons August 1. My kindergarten child only has 2 segments- k5 beginnings and k5 math. If you homeschool consider how you would write out your kids' plans. If you write it per subject per child count the subjects and maybe use more blocks (they are undated) or buy a second identical planner to keep grades and schedules straight. List of what this has: Classroom procedure page, emergency procedure page including a section on students with special schedules or health instructions, special classes or duties, teachers daily schedule page, multiple seat plan pages (3 with 4 block sections per page), supplementary data for special tests 2 pages, overview planning 2 pages, schedule of school events flip calendar style 2 pages, block period wide planning pages that begin with plans for the week, materials needed, appt conference reminders and special event reminders, a reminder page in the back before the grade book for and idea or desired idea and then your action taken to keep you inspired, upcoming educational event page with columns for date time place event and credit or cost, a computing percentage grades graph, supplementary data pages which in photos I used for homeschool kids per subject 4 pages total, many grading sheet pages that allows for recording weekly averages - final grade- total absences- first and second report- first and second meetings- and weeks 1 through 3 with months and dates subject and sections.

For the first time in 18 years of teaching, I have found a plan book/grade book that meets my unique needs. As a teacher of multiple grades and multiple subjects who must keep grades, plan and collect progress monitoring, this one book meets all of those needs. The only part I did not use was the grade book to track my standards-based report card grades. I did however use the grade book portion to track grades for specific interventions (programs) I teach my students in the resource room. I had to modify the planning portion with a ruler, splitting each block into both general education and resource room in order to record plans from my PLC meetings for general education and to track my own resource room plans. This helps me see where I am in relation to my general education classroom counterparts (when they will test over what standards, when field trips are etc.) I will definitely purchase this again! How could I not!

I really had to look hard for a planner that would work for me. To begin with, most of these have the tiniest little rectangle boxes that you are supposed to write scores into! I cannot begin to see what I am doing. This planner is a two-in-one, so I can have my plans and grade book with me all at once. I love that the pages fold out, giving you extra space and options. I will be purchasing this planner for myself from now on.

Love Love Love this book. My eyes need wider boxes and everything is well thought out. I only need to plan six periods so I tore out the extra lesson planning sheets and created a pad for my daily to do list. Works for me :-). I appreciate the thoughtfulness of the grade book sheets. It's easy to fold them back so I don't need to rewrite student names each quarter. All of the space is utilized. I've been using online grade books for years but I recently decided to go back to paper because the new online system is a pain. This book is perfect for my needs.

As an Elementary special ed teacher, I enjoy cute things but I value organized things. If you are looking for cute, this is not the planner for you. If you are looking for a planner with room to differentiate and organize information, this planner is a must. I have tried many planners and none seemed to have enough room for the amount of differentiation I do throughout the day. I think this is as close as you can come, other than taking time and resources to create your own. You can always find ways to make it cute, if it is really that important.

I'm a high-school teacher who files lesson plans online. But I still like to have my own hard copy that I can erase if and when the lessons don't go just exactly as I'd hoped they would. The ELAN planner (with a section for grades as well--MANY grades, many pages) is a really good buy and a very useful tool for teachers. I've already shown it to several of my colleagues who intend to buy one themselves. It has more than enough space to plan for any type of schedule your school runs, places to add notes about class demographics, seating charts, and--as I said--a whole section of grade pages. I would recommend you buy this if you teach in any capacity. I really do love it!

This is the book I have been looking for.! It has so much space in the lesson plan section. I like the fold out design rather than buying these super wide plan books. You have the space you need,and,still, have a regular size notebook. I also like the extra space for additional information and non-teaching activities. Because of that wide, fold out design, you look at a term's worth of grades at a glance. I am an elementary teacher but still like this more sophisticated approach to a combination grade/plan book. It doesn't need a cutesy cover and illustrations to be what I need.

I think this planner will work well for the entire year. This is a great lesson planner and a bit more than I need for my small homeschool class. I love that it has the wide fold out pages providing extra space to scribe out detailed lesson plans daily while also providing additional space on the flip side for weekly planning, appointments and materials needed. The 1st 3 pages contain a lot of information such as classroom procedures, important dates and holidays along with 2 teacher daily schedules. The double sided pocket in the center of the planner is a nice surprise followed by an idea reminder page to jot quick thoughts and ideas. There is a grade calculation chart and 4 supplementary data pages that could easily be used as note pages. This planner contains a lot (35- 3 page foldout sets) of grading pages for 50 students per set. There should be plenty of pages to record grades for the *entire year* if you don't have 1,750 students needing grades logged per quarter. The great thing about all the extra grading pages is they can be used as note pages should you not need them as they were intended. There are plenty of pages to tweak this lesson planner to your needs.