• Crafted using advanced molding techniques,the violin bow is constructed of carbon fiber and other modern materials,delivers a new level of performance way,beyond that of traditional wood construction
  • The way that this violin bow transfers string vibration to your fingertips makes you feel at one with your instrument, facilitating technique and enhancing personal expression
  • This violin bow looks great,thanks to an eye-catching abalone inlay and Parisian eyes.It is resistant to temperature and humidity, allowing you to play anywhere without any adjustment
  • The superior balance and lightning-quick response you get from this violin bow are unlike anything you've ever experienced. You can feel every nuance of your playing as each string vibrates through it
  • Give this Kmise violin bow a try , you'll never look back and use a wooden bow again!

I’m a professional violinist and I play both regular and electric violin. I reserve all my expensive (wood and carbon fiber) bows for my regular violin and use cheap bows for my electric. I’ve seen really crappy cheap bows around (students, players, etc.) and I think for the price, this bow is really great! The weight and balance of the bow is fine, the silver winding and thumb grip aren’t a weird material, and the frog isn’t one of those cheap plastic frogs. Honestly, I’ve seen bows that were similar to this one costing $150-300. If you’re looking for a cheap backup bow or a great beginner’s bow, I HIGHLY recommend this bow!

Teacher advised now was cheaper on Amazon, suggested this one and its done Great! No need to self thread. Fast shipping too.

it's light, easier to use... It does look a little funny to pull out a violin from 1743 and a bright blue carbon fiber bow...but I'm new...I don't care. I kept my other bow for more formal type stuff.

Gives great sound. Violin teacher was impressed.

I haven’t played in 43 years and I was terrible back then. Thought I’d give it another try. I ordered a Cecilio CVN300 and the bow(s) included seemed heavy. This bow really made a difference in my playing. I’m still not as good as I want to be, but I’m a lot better since having this bow!

I am going back to playing violin and refurbishing my old (from the 1990s) electric violin. The black and silver bow looks great with the woodtone/black violin. The bow itself looks to be good quality and handles very well. It is an excellent replacement for my old bow, which I couldn't get rehaired as it was a "cheap" bow. Hopefully beginners will have someone to tell them how much time they'll be spending putting rosin on a new bow, and how to do it. As long as they know that, it'd be fine for a beginner.

Made an instant difference for my wife's playing. Cleaner, less scratchy sound when playing due to the carbon making for a stiffer bow. Highly recommend!

Great bow at this price, and def lighter for smaller younger hands keeps from fatiguing in beginning

Very good quality for a student or intermediate player. The kids really dig the color and it is heads above many of the more expensive popular bow makers. I will purchase again and recommend this product.

This is an excellent student bow. My child needed a carbon fiber bow for summer practice. This one did the magic. A local violin store, offered a carbon fiber bow for $150. But for a half size violin that kids would soon outgrow, this one was a much better solution for just $25. The sound characteristics of this bow were also very good. But let's not forget that it also depends on the tail piece, the bridge (and the curvature of its top) and the position of the sound post (to be now directly below the bridge, but slightly towards the top of the violin). The grip, the hair, the adjustment (to tighten the bow hair) and also the balance (center of gravity) on this bow were also very good. Overall, it is a very good value for your money.