• In the visceral and dramatic single-player story campaign, the stakes have never been higher as players take on the role of lethal Tier One operators in a heart-racing saga that will affect the global balance of power.
  • Experience the ultimate online playground with classic multiplayer.
  • Squad-up and play cooperatively in a collection of elite operations accessible to all skill levels.

Game is amazing, dont listen to the 1 star reviews. The servers are top notch. Very realistic sounds and gameplay. Many customizations available. the one star reviews about campers are not the games fault, it is a gameplay of the players. All battle games have campers. If you like cod get it!

This is the best COD since the old MW series. Everyone complaining is probably just trash at the game. Yes it requires a lot of downloads. Theres a lot of content. You give it a bad rating for that? Grow up. The gunplay is awesome. 10yr olds are just crying because they cant spam fire their desert eagles anymore. This is REALISTIC gunplay. Everything you do effects how your weapon performs. The slowmo kill cams show just how much attention to detail they put into recoil. Only thing thats really annoying right now is the 725 shotgun is wayyyy overpowered. They need to nerf that thing asap. Hoping they release more guns/maps soon. Another annoying thing is on amazon. I preordered this 2 months in advance and they still lost my game on release day. I ended up downloading it on the xbox store so I could play with the boys on release day. Showed up 3 days later. Thanks amazon great shipping service you have here.

I've always have been a fan of the Modern Warfare series of Call of Duty. I still play the older versions of Modern Warfare and enjoy doing so. I was looking forward to the latest version but was worried the series would get caught up in too much weird content just to fill up the game. The last few COD games were just too much with too much going on and the content was boring to me. I have been mostly playing the online gaming but so far I find it that the graphics and gaming are what I hoped for. I just like simple battle without too much bells and whistles that get confusing when playing. What I like about the online game is that even though I'm older, I can still be pretty competitive in the game when playing against the young gamers. I've played the campaign for a little while and find that it is good, although the violence etc is too much. You can turn the violence and language down in the settings, which is good. I just don't see a need for over the top violence when we already live in an increasingly violent world. For anyone who enjoyed the older series with more simple playing and controls, give this version of Modern Warfare a try. It is a game I can see myself playing for a while and enjoying it as well. Might be worth waiting for price drop or finding the game used, but otherwise it is a worth while investment.

Great game overall, fun single player with a good story and excellent multiplayer experience that all cod players have been waiting for, no more wall running or double jumping. It’s back to modern warfare 2 and cod 4. If you liked those games you are gonna love this games, it’s a lot of fun trust me I haven’t purchased a cod game in 3-4 years so this game was very Intriguing and I’m happy I bought it. Some of the things I didn’t like: Although fun, the single player was short and final missions leading to the finale were predictable, it has a Hollywood feel to the game which is not as so to say realistic in the way you would want to see the game fold out. Multiplayer is a lot of fun however a lot of guns feel and sound very similar to one another. Maps are great fun although some a a bit odd given the fact they stayed away from a usual 3 way through the map and now added the doors you. The verdict: don’t try to replace the nostalgia, the cod 4 and MW2 you played back in middle school/high school are better left in the past, times have changed but this is by far the best cod they made in years, could they have made it even better, sure there is room for improvement as always but this is a great step forward as something the true cod community has been waiting for years.

Shortly after buying this for my husband, we had a baby. As soon as we were back from the hospital, he started playing. Some nights he would play until 5 or 6am. Obviously, he really enjoyed the game. I think he played the game more than he helped with the baby. Women, this is NOT a good baby gift for your husband dispite how he will try to convince you otherwise!!

A lot of people are complaining about the download size and the xbox live requirement. Let's get something straight. EVERY triple A game has a HUGE download file these days (because we complained so much about load times in the past), so this game is not unique in that capacity. Second, if you are trying to play Call of Duty without an Xbox live connection, you are a fool. Who is spending $60 for a few hours of campaign? Those two things aren't valid complaints in my eyes. Moving on from that: Is the game perfect? No, not at all. I feel like everyone's expectations were a little too high for this game. The online play is a lot of fun, and really brings me back to the original modern warfare days. Are there some balance issues? Sure there are, but what's an FPS without balance issues. That's why god invented patches, ladies and gentlemen. Long story short, I like the game, and I would definitely pick it up now, when you can get it for $20 cheaper. It's a good bit of nostalgia, and a solid FPS. Would recommend!

Anybody rating it below four stars or complaining about all these problems well don’t listen to them because I haven’t seen one problem never heard one person have a problem, plus it hasn’t even been a full week for them to fix any bugs that may happen also you can report any problems that may happen. The reviews on The Xbox store really does not do this Game justice because those people don’t know how to review or sThe Xbox store really does not do this game justice because those people don’t know how to review and are whiners that they didn’t get everything pinpoint right day one. They could get some better maps and tweak a thing or two but still fun.

Campaign had some great storytelling although rather short. Multiplayer is pretty difficult and the maps are confusing at first because they went away with the 3 lane system. After some getting used to they are some of the coolest maps to play on and I'm loving the verticality and depth. Ground war is absolutely brilliant. By far the best looking call of duty ever made and the sound is incredible. If you lost faith in call of duty years ago like most gamers, this will revive the franchise. It's a must buy

I currently do not have Xbox live but the campaign plays just fine and quite frankly best story yet. Awesome graphics, very realistic, great tactical excersises, weapons and etc. Clearing the houses from terrorists is awesome. It did take quite a while to download so I guess that would be a downside, once it did, that's awesome. Not sure why people said campaign cannot be played without Xbox live. All you have to do is to reboot the game. The inclusion of the campaign made me bought this and I have no regrets.

The disc version at the time of my purchase was $38, and the download code was $60 so I went for the disc. So many negative reviews about the the 5 hour download after buying the disc (rather than reviews about the gameplay), why? The more expensive download code would take the same amount of time (or more) to load anyway. You are getting a 37% discount on a hot new game that is only one month old!! And all new games take forever to download, I guess that's the price of the great graphics that we now enjoy. After you begin to play you can see why the download took as long as it did. The graphics are incredible. The detail in weapon customization is deep and cool. I have not played any campaign yet but that isn't what I loved in the original version 10 years ago anyway. I might prefer Battlefield V, not sure yet but they are both great games and I still enjoy owning them both.